
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Media, Technology and A.D.D.

If we look back 10 years ago, we’ll recognize that attention deficit used to be primarily an adolescent disorder. This disorder focused primarily on children as young as 5 years old, to those in their late teens. Yet, it was mostly parents with elementary school kids that reported to have the most problems.

Ritalin used to be the drug that was pumped into kids, now this medication has evolved into newer psychotropic medication such as Concerta, Dexadrine, Desoxyn, Vyvanse and more not listed here. Today, attention deficit disorder is on the rise with a whopping 4.4 million children ranging in ages from 4 to 17 have A.D.D. and at least 4 percent of adults now struggle with attention deficit. 

With such high percentages of those suffering from the illness that distracts so many children and adults, one must ask if perhaps this lack of focus stems from more than a chemical imbalance. Living in this technological age where the media is blamed for sensationalizing the news into soap-opera reality-tv; new methods of marketing media, connecting via social networking, and watching films can all be done via our smart phones.

The internet explosion and constant evolution of technology allows our mobile phones, laptops, and computers to be a virtual explorative world at our fingertips.  Today, we can check our e-mails, facebook account, twitter a message, write a short blog, log in to our bank accounts, and surf the internet all from our phones. Beyond simple texting and making a phone call- our phones are mini-laptops able to do just about anything. No wonder, we cannot stay focused? Distraction and cell phones has gotten so bad, that new laws had to make it illegal to call or text anyone while driving because people have actually gotten killed by a driver texting or making a phone call.

Technology has been the driving force to new media forming into an ambiguous amalgamation of computer technology, internet, and web-based video distribution. In the past only those with a hefty amount of money could distribute films and videos. The cost of making films, color correcting, and flat bed editing- was expensive. Now in the new digital age, almost anyone can purchase a digital camera which most come in High Definition and shoot films. Most people equally have their own computers and access to editing software. The rise of filmmakers using DSLR camera’s has become an even more cost effective approach to making films. The quality of filmmaking, media and marketing distribution has become so compact, that the ability to view media is accessible through almost any smart phone or laptop.

10 years ago, we used to value real human contact. We used to really pay attention to what people say and listen intently. Today, it is near to impossible to have a conversation with a fellow human, distracted by the technological world engulfing them. While technology has made it so that we connect to more people, communicate, market ourselves, distribute our own videos, publish our own articles via blogs or websites. Technology has made newspapers obsolete and the news streaming live through the web faster than some television stations can air it. Today, the rise of reality television has influenced how we present news to an audience who are used to sensationalism. In this technological world of wonderful opportunities for growth, and new entrepreneurs, we ought to embrace new ways we deliver and create media with moderation and balance.

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